Maximise your impact

We’re delighted to announce IDP Partner Portal has undergone some changes and a new layout and content awaits when you sign in.

We offer prospective students an end-to-end journey from online search through to enrolment and beyond. Through IDP Partner Portal you can see and utilise more of the information and resources we provide for this journey.

IDP Partner Portal is hosted on While you’re still able to sign into your account via this page, we encourage you to please login via our B2B site in the future. Here you’ll be able to upload your courses and manage your advertisements as usual and you’ll also find the latest news and insights from Partner Portal.

Our stats in a snapshot

  • user_profile

    28+ websites targeted to your markets

    Our sites reach your students with 39 languages implemented

  • degree_graduate

    100 million visits from prospective students per year to our international websites

    And growing

  • map_location

    More than 120 offices around the world in 32 countries

    And growing